About Us: The Full Story
Rodrena Bush
HR Resources Connection (HRRC) was conceived like so many small businesses—on a "what if" premise. Our founder, Rodrena Bush, has been sought out to mentor peers, leaders, and staff because of her simple but honest and transparent approach. She has come across so few women who look like her in her professional journey and most times did not have the fortune of thought partners or professional mentors to help guide her. That challenged her to rethink her job as an HR professional, strategic partner, explore how to create a more impactful career, and apply her skills beyond the business office.
Even with the start of HRRC, it was not easy finding the right tools and resources that perfectly fit her business idea. Rodrena could relate with how challenging entrepreneurship could be for those who want to launch out on their own. She explored how she could most effectively use her professional training to provide other entrepreneurs and small businesses in her community with the resources and support they need to create sustainable businesses.
In 2022, Rodrena turned her "what if" idea into action. Being a native of Alabama, she opened HRRC to serve entrepreneurs and small businesses in the communities of Alabama. Rodrena has partnered with other individuals in the business arena building a network of professional experts to help alleviate the burdens of business ownership and enable small businesses to thrive.
We at HRRC understand the small business owners’ challenges. We know how important it is to have the right tools and resources to support and help them thrive. We are here to help navigate the needs of small businesses from strategic business planning, coordinating game-changing connections, and much more. Review our business modules. Fill out our Client Intake Form and discover what HRRC can do for you today.